Nov 2, 2011

Early November talk ?

Haha We Young Once So Chill Lah Bebeh .
Dont Give A Damn Sangat Lah For This Month .

Oyehhh 1.11.2011 wow , whats a cool date . Jyeahh its Coolie like ice-cream . Ramai yang selalu kate "Hey November , please be nice to me" That's mean , korang tak nak bala menimpa korang lah kan . Nak happy happy jee ~ Oke oke me wish too . But kalau tak Pray to Allah acane nye nak Please Be Nice To Me ? And kalau tak berusaha buat jadi nice . Memang NICE lah November korang kan . Tak boleh lah kalau nak selalu memaki hamun takdir . Tak adil lah kan . Semua orang ade cerita yang dah tertulis . So kene wake up wake up , slap here slap there your pipi yang tembam tu . Supaye jangan nak berangan je . Eheheh :P Got what i means ? Goood . Yahh i know , no need to tell me . Ini post agak ketinggalan dari tarikh sebenar :P Nvm , chill lah . So , does anyone is in relationship today ? Congratss ! :3

6.11.2011 * Thats my-coolest-mom's birthday . Oke , i have no money , so no money no talk no hadiah . Bhaha . Wish and kiss pun boleh lah kan ? Ehee . Poket dah berhabuk lah mann keluar nyamuk adelah --' *aisey man , sian me punye mama .

11.11.2011 * Super-damn-coolesttttt ! Shout shout it louder *screaming* Omjeyyy , we have been together selama 10 months k k i repeat 10 months darling and this date was super damn cool . Haha . K k lekluuu :B Im so in love with you darling . Pape pun Azfar the best , ecewah hihi :D But now me tengah bengang sebab dea kate me lembu , sebab letak dp lembu kat faceee . Fine ==

22.11.2011 * Thats my birthday lah man . And also my youngest brother's birthday . We'r sweet sixteen and twelve . Oke oke , i expect gifts from anyone or anybody . Ngehee . *time-2 cenggini aku kene bodek boyfriend* Mane boyfriend , maneee ? Puss puss , amboi menyorok ke ? Pandai nohhh .

One thing , thank you so much my bestgirlfriends
because make it my days damn awesome *tetiba